Resources for
The Leadership Pause
Below you’ll find some language for social media, templates for emails and newsletters, and images that will make it easy for you to share The Leadership Pause: Sharpen your Attention, Deepen Your Presence and Navigate the Future.
Since these are simply starting points, feel free to modify the messages to best suit your audience.
Thank you for supporting the core message of The Leadership Pause—that taking on the practice of pausing is the portal to all kinds of possibilities in your life and leadership!

Social Media Posts
Discover an eye-opening, accessible guide to developing your leadership via the intelligence and wisdom of your body. It starts with a pause.
The Leadership Pause
Transform your stress into resilience with a pause. Lead with whatever life throws in your path . . . on purpose.
The Leadership Pause
In a leadership role? Discover the simple practice of pause and apply it to cultivating clarity, composure, courage, and compassion.
The Leadership Pause
Conscious Leadership and leading with purpose are on the rise! The new book, The Leadership Pause, shows how to use the power of the pause to become a better leader, grow your people, and make your difference!
The Leadership Pause
Tune in to the power of embodied learning via the pause to lead more powerfully, and achieve greater satisfaction and success.
The Leadership Pause
Email Examples
Emails are a powerful, personal way to reach out. Edit this however suits you…
IMPORTANT! Please don’t spam anyone. Only share with people and groups that will genuinely benefit from this powerful message.
SUBJECT: Terrific book on conscious leadership & the science of embodied learning
Hi [NAME],
I wanted to let you know about a great new book that’s available for Pre-Order on Amazon, to be released on July 12th, 2022. It’s called The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence, and Navigate the Future.
Two things my advanced copy has done for me already:
- Provided a clear, scientific explanation for why intentionally practicing pause is so essential and powerful for leaders in today’s marketplace
- Defined why embodied learning is so catalytic and transformative – all through compelling and entertaining stories!
- Shown me how to… personalize this note here! How has the book helped you?
This book draws on multidisciplinary research and personal experience to provide a practical, people-centric guidebook for leading in complex times. Filled with captivating stories, scientific tidbits, and pragmatic practices, you’ll be eager to put what you learn into action.
I want to encourage you to purchase a copy of Chris’s new book today.
First, because I think your life will be greatly enriched by it.
And second, because when lots of people purchase early on in the life of a book, it provides a critical long-lasting boost in rankings, which ultimately helps the book — and its powerful teachings — reach more people.
I want to see this book have a huge impact. For you, for me, and for the world.
Go check it out:

Tips for Writing an Email or Post “from Scratch”
Want to write a post of your own making but not sure what to say? Here are some questions to get you thinking about how to talk about it.
What one to three words would you use to describe The Leadership Pause.
Now that you’ve read The Leadership Pause, what is different in your work and your life?
- What did you love about The Leadership Pause?
- How have you benefitted from reading The Leadership Pause?
- How do you believe others will benefit?
And here’s a simple email structure to put your answers to good use:
Dear ____________________________________,
I want to tell you about ________________
It’s done this for me ____________________
I thought of you because_______________
I think you’d benefit because__________
About Chris_____________________________
Check it out here: The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence, Navigate the Future | Q4 Consulting (
Thank you for spreading the word about the incredible value of the ever-present pause!

Images for Sharing
With a simple right-click, you can download any of the images below. Post to your favorite social media platform and be sure to link back to

Newsletter Announcements
My colleague Chris L. Johnson, PsyD. has written a terrific new book, The Leadership Pause: Sharpen your Attention, Deepen Your Presence and Navigate the Future. Drawing on many traditions – philosophy, spiritual practice, martial arts, and set against the stories of real leaders’ journeys to improve – she weaves in the science behind how the simple pause can provide clarifying power for leaders. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how embodied learning impacts all aspects of life and leadership, resulting in a more intentional and conscious approach for leaders today. For more information and to purchase, visit
Please join us in celebrating the launch of the new book The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence and Navigate the Future.

Chris L. Johnson’s new book, The Leadership Pause, is an eye-opening, accessible guide to developing one’s leadership via the deliberate, body-based practices that tap the wisdom and intelligence of the body. It’s a potent guide to embodying your best self, living into your purpose, and leading powerfully to build a better world. For more information and to purchase, visit
Please join us in celebrating the launch of the new book The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence and Navigate the Future.