“Your future success depends on your ability to pause.”

Chris L. Johnson, PsyD. 

You juggle numerous, competing demands and commitments on your time and energy every, single day.

As a result, increased complexity can lead to overwhelm, mistrust and burnout.

You need new ways of working–with yourself and with others.  

A new way of working with your stress to build resilience instead.

A new way of working together that’s transparent, mindful and authentic, grounded in ethics and care: those human qualities that evoke and build trust at home and in the workplace.  

A new way of doing business where profits are centered in purpose, where trust is cultivated and pragmatically trained, and where value is created when people engage to make their best contribution in the world.  

A new way of being built on intentional, deliberate practice for the sake of a thriving, engaged future.

A new way . . . that all starts with a Pause.

Learn about Our Approach


Embodied learning, mindfulness-in-action, and conscious conversations work together to your success.

The Power of Embodied Learning

Traditional, off-the-shelf leadership programs tend to focus on theory yet fail to address the how of learning pragmatic skills for leadership, our sweet spot.


Embodied learning is hands-on, generative, whole-self learning that informs how you learn. It reveals the way you show up in the world,  how you connect, communicate and collaborate with others, or not. And ultimately, how you get the job done.


Embodied learning cultivates purpose, pragmatic wisdom, skillful action, and leadership.  Embodied learning cultivates Embodied Leadership.




“We’d considered other consultants, and after meeting Chris, there was no question she was the one! Her presence, honesty, and humility with our staff has helped us take risks and implement her mindfulness practices.”

— Rebecca Levine, Director of Special Initiatives, MacArthur Foundation

“Chris helped us create a future for the company rather than allowing us to remain in our comfort zone by going beyond typical methods to focus on purpose, values, mindfulness.”

— Dave Mooney, CEO Alliant Credit Union

“At first, ‘mindfulness’ sounded to me like a squishy, overused synonym for group hugs and undisciplined leadership. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’m very thankful that I was open-minded enough to listen, read, and learn about the science behind Chris’ Core Presence Coaching™ process that is based on mindfulness practices.”

– Nick Blawat, VP Strategy, US Foods

“At ‘Celebrating Life. Celebrating Uncertainty: Mindfulness Skills for Success’ an event for our nursing leaders, I learned how mindfulness can help me deal with & face conflict. What an eye-opener! And, that it can be developed as a daily practice. Practice, practice, practice!”

– Tess Callanta,  RN, Rush Copley Medical Center

As a leader, what kind of path are you creating?

Organizations reflect their leaders—how they see the world, the actions they take, their way of being and working in the world.

Team members will follow your lead. When your actions are congruent with your words, your presence produces trust, engagement, and right action.

Embodied learning will train you to

  1. Clarify your true purpose
  2. Communicate with influence and power
  3. Collaborate & delegate effectively
  4. Operate skillfully & efficiently
  5. Drive high-performance teamwork

Challenging times, extraordinary results. 


Extraordinary leadership is a way of being that begins with attention and awareness.


Our Why

We’re dedicated to supporting organizations committed to the health and well-being of all living systems.

“Q4,” derives from the word, “quaternity,’ meaning “the union of four in one,” and

reflects our commitment to integrating mind, body, and spirit in our work and lives.

Our What

We’re committed to cultivating strong leaders, healthy workplaces, and engaged, thriving communities.

Our How

We hold that embodied learning & deliberate practice grows powerful leaders & teams.


Our Programs

Leadership Coaching

Our whole person approach to leadership coaching boils down to cultivating attention and sharpening practices where you live and work.

Teams & Culture

When leaders & their teams align around the organization’s purpose, energy ignites, cooperation increases, and commitment to a greater contribution in the world expands.

Women Leaders

We support visionary women to transform their stress, grow resilience and cultivate confidence and boldness to lead positive, influential change.


Self-awareness is at the very core of what it means to powerfully lead our lives. And, it lives in the quality of our conversations, first with ourselves, then with one another.

What our clients are saying…..

Hear from leaders who attended Forget Bitcoin, Conversation is the New Currency, about the importance of

Mindful Attention, 360° Awareness, and the Power of Conscious Conversations. 

I’ve worked with Chris over the years, always a positive experience.  Not only she was my executive coach, but also a facilitator to build our team dynamics on two different occasions.  Given her classic training in psychology, mindfulness, and human-centered orientation, she proved skillful in addressing different challenges in variety of engagements.  Personally, I felt Chris delivered a positive impact, and highly recommend her!

Harry Zhu

CFO & SVP of Finance, Alliant Credit Union

In the years that I’ve known Chris she has proven to be an exceptional coach and advisor. As a business owner it’s easy to get caught up in the details of the business and lose your perspective as to what’s really important in the long term. When I talk to Chris about what’s going on in my company and the issues I’m facing, I always seem to find the crucial breakthrough I need.

Paul Bailey

President, ProSort Services

My sweet spot lives at the intersection of … supporting professional women and cultivating business leaders and their teams to become more mindful, conscious, powerful and on purpose.

To that end, I’m committed to extending the transformational work of embodied leadership to those committed to creating the future—their own and our collective life together.

As a catalyst, I question. I listen. I challenge my clients to spur them on, to spark their awareness and energy, and to grow their capacity and resilience as they blaze trails forward.

Connecting with passion and purpose, we create a momentum that’s unstoppable, resulting in personal and professional success that’s nothing short of extraordinary.

Through leadership coaching, speaking, training and workshops, I partner with exceptional people who dare to expand their learning, to transform who they are in order to create our future together.

Like you.

Here’s to your learning, your leadership.


Ready to work with Chris?


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