Be The Leader
Act with Clarity, Focus & Empathy
An Embodied Leadership Program for Women
Early 2021
How will you be remembered during this time?
How you decide to show up and how you lead matters more than ever.
Our modern world was variously described as volatile, uncertain, and complex long before COVID-19, and struggles for racial justice, gave a new scale to those words. These events have exposed fractures and fault lines that were problematic before, hardly representing the “back” to which any of us want to return.
What this means for you is that the COVID-19 virus, social disparities, and the upcoming election have thrown the world into a ripeness for change. It’s the time for you and all women to co-create what people are craving using your unique skills.
What’s required of leaders during this moment of exceptional uncertainty?
Focus, topnotch decision-making, and crystal clear, trustworthy communication.
Organizations and businesses of all sizes reflect their leaders. When your energy is high, your actions congruent with your words, your presence produces trust. With that foundation–engagement and right action follow. It’s what draws clients, creates new opportunities, and prevents you from having to hustle your way toward burnout.
Meeting the challenges ahead will require a re-invention of old ways of doing business, of working together, and the cultivation of a new kind of leader.
In other words, it starts with you.
And, you happen to be perfectly positioned to create and offer something that can shift culture and help build new futures.
Being a transformative leader is about holding a vision for something different in the world. It comes with unique challenges to our attention, our way of being in the world, and our connections with one another.
While you can’t erase the uncertainty your organization and people are facing, you do have the power to respond to their challenges with intention, integrity and honesty.
Here’s one thing I do know – you can come out of this pandemic even stronger than you came into it by being intentional about how you direct your energy and communicate with your people.
Our collective tomorrow will be determined by listening our way into a new reality.
- Unclear about your next right leadership steps given the complexity of everything
- Concerned about how to answer all the questions that you don’t have answers to
- Struggling to navigate distress about the state of the economy & whether it will lead to layoffs, lost revenue or bankruptcy
- Troubled, thinking that what you’re doing isn’t enough or doesn’t matter
- Questioning the ways that you’ve been leading & communicating, & what needs to shift
- Wanting the opportunity to find out what other leaders (outside your organization) are doing in their businesses, what’s worked and what to avoid
- Worrying about the physical & mental health impacts of this moment on yourself and others & what you do about it
- Longing to connect with a network of women also seeking to expand their perspectives and create a new way forward
Extraordinary leadership is a way of being that begins with attention and awareness.
Remember, there is a way forward when we come together to envision different realities and solutions, give them roots and put them into action in sustainable, impactful and nourishing ways. We can train for these times.
The way forward may not be easy, yet the resilience we build together will flatten our own curve.
Clear, focused & decisive, energized with empathy.
A heart-centered leader who cultivates trust & creates psychological safety
to powerfully co-create value.
Hi, I’m Chris Johnson, PsyD, founder of Q4 Consulting, Inc. & creator of Be The Leader: Act with Clarity, Focus & Empathy.
I’m passionate about embodied learning & leadership (it changed my life!) & leveraging it to cultivate strong leaders, healthy workplaces, & engaged, thriving communities–like you & yours!
Today we need strong leadership more than ever so I spend my time creating learning opportunities & coaching folks to embody just that!
About 15 years ago I went through a big transformation in my own learning & leadership, a process that had an amazing impact!
It’s based on a few things that both fascinate me & the show positive, proven effects: mindfulness, embodied learning & the power of how we think & speak to make the biggest difference in leading our lives!

Plus, I bring my 25 + years of experience & learning as a trauma psychologist, business owner, mindfulness teacher, somatic coach & aikido practitioner to bear in this course: what works, what doesn’t & what it takes to bring your vision to your people clearly, effectively & with heart.
In the midst of a pandemic, your course, Be The Leader, made a significant difference for me at work and at home. The Leadership Pause provides such a powerful, concrete step to ensure a centered and non-reactive approach to all situations. I especially appreciated the analysis of strengths and your suggestions for somatic practices. Many thanks for a great course!
– Christine Stoneman, attorney

- Identify Your Key Stressors to Unblock Clarity & Focus
- Learn to Focus on 3 Areas to Accelerate Transformation
- Train Your Brain to Transform Stress

- Identify Costly Distractions in Your Life & Business
- Bust Your Bad Multitasking Habit–Learn Strategies for Action
- Prioritize Your Opportunities & Plan Your Practices

- Harness Your Body’s Energy for Greatest Impact
- Clarify Core Values to Drive Your Actions
- Minding Your Mind, Minding Your Mood

- Triggers are the Gateway to Presence
- Being On Purpose & Why It Matters
- Make Top-Notch, Value-Based Decisions

- You Are What You Say: The Conversation IS the Relationship
- 5 Key Elements of Embodied Listening
- Create Conversations for Action & Possibility

- 3 Essential Questions for Ditching Drama & Keeping Connection
- Problem or Outcome? Why a Fiercely Compassionate Mindset Matters
- Committed Action to Create the Future
Click here to Join for $697 (USD)
Or 2 payments of $350 US.
Ready to join? Click & choose the best payment plan for you.
You’ve begun to realize that the old ways of doing things aren’t working right now. You’re seeing the gaps & want to go deeper than temporary, surface fixes. You want to build your resilience by gaining more knowledge of your energy and mindset so you can show up prepared for whatever lies ahead in work and life.
You’ve been working to build your leadership skills for years & have made great strides. Now, you’re ready to understand yourself & your work as part of a bigger ecosystem to increase your impact and create your legacy. If not now, when?
You already know who you are as a leader & want it to translate better through your Core Presence, communications & relationships with your people & stakeholders.
You have no problem investing a few hours a week as long as you know that every bit of energy you invest will result in giving you the ability to hone your focus on what matters most, while creating a more balanced, caring, forward-looking workplace.
You’re excited to join the Be the Leader course! As an experienced leader and communicator, you’re currently feeling a wave of renewed optimism knowing you have the opportunity right now to create significant changes in the way you & your people approach your work internally, in the marketplace, and in the world.
You feel confident hitting the Register Now button knowing you have a 100% money-back guarantee. It’s clear & simple. Show up for our calls, engage in the practices & experience positive shifts in your mindset, body & resilience, or request a full refund on this program.
Be the Leader will run for 6 consecutive weeks starting Monday, October 12th & running through Thursday, November 19th. We’ll meet twice per week—Monday & Thursday--for 75 minutes from 12- 1:15 p.m. CST.
You’ll have access to the new material on Sundays. I’ll present it & share practices with you on Mondays. And then between Monday & Thursday plan to complete the homework so we can put it all together on our Thursday call.
Coursework includes videos, audio files, practices along with a Resource section where you’ll find supportive material for the course.
The content and community are hosted on Podia while the weekly Group Coaching session on Thursdays will be via Zoom. Upon registration, you’ll receive all the info you need to access Podia with all the course materials.
Pre-work includes taking an online assessment, the Focus Energy Balance Indicator (FEBI).
The FEBI is a pragmatic tool for leaders that will provide insight into your preferences around four energy patterns – Driver, Organizer, Collaborator, and Visionary — by measuring nervous-system functions observed in movement, thoughts, feelings, and everyday work behaviors. You’ll receive a report to integrate your results into your final plan.
From the FEBI, you’ll learn:
A deeper way to understand yourself, the people you work with, your significant relationships, clients, and customers.
An integrated mind-body view into your own use of the four patterns, comprising a whole and balanced leader.
An individually designed way to further develop as an integrated leader.
A powerful way of reading the energy of teams and organizations.
The first you can use pronto! It’s an audio recording entitled, Relax at Work, designed for busy leaders.
The second bonus is also an audio file, Breathing In, I Know I am Breathing In, inspired by Thich Nhat Han. This mindful breath practice is designed to support you in downregulating your central nervous system and reinforce your resilience.
Your third bonus is a 30-minute debrief of your FEBI results. We’ll do this during the first 3 weeks of the course to offer you maximum leverage of this powerful tool.
Your final bonus, because I’m committed to you Being the Leader to follow, is a 45-minute 1:1 coaching call with me that you can set up for any time during the 6 weeks of the course.
P.S. You’ll receive additional bonus discounts on Core Presence Leadership Coaching Packages & upcoming Group Coaching offers in 2021.
You’ll receive all of the following for Be The Leader
7.5 hours of instruction & 7.5 hours of group coaching throughout the 6 weeks to apply your learning, a total of 15 hours
Online course to access materials
The Focus Energy Balance Indicator (FEBI)
Bonus #1: Relax at Work, Audio file
Bonus #2: Breathing In, I know I am Breathing In, Audio file
Bonus #3: 30-minute FEBI Debrief
Bonus #4: 45 minute1:1 Core Presence Coaching Call
$697 (valued at $997)
Click Here to Join for $697 (USD)
Or 2 payments of $350 US.
Click & choose the best payment plan for you. Be The Leader.
In Be the Leader I learned how to use new skills to better manage & direct my energy & focus to allow me to accomplish more on a daily basis. Chris’s simple centering practices were extremely useful and reduced my stress levels.
— Catherine Riddick, owner, XPonent Group, Ltd.
Chris is an extremely creative thinker, with an incredible capacity for continual learning and growth. Her expert guidance helped me incorporate mindfulness in my daily life, providing focus and clarity.
–Nancy, career coach, Columbia Business School
Be The Leader helped me reconnect to the values of being focused, present, and leading from my core values with clear communication patterns. The personalized assessment, coaching, and support from Dr. Chris throughout helped me discover new ways to grow and challenge myself. I highly recommend this course!
– Joe White, Sr. Product Manager
Chris put herself in my shoes and helped me clarify what I was moving toward, where I was stuck, and how I could to shift into forward progress. And, she’s incredibly flexible, responsive, and practical about business strategies while challenging me to stand in my power and build my capacity as a professional.
–Laura, Bridge Mediation & Leadership Solutions
Chris is a magician! She taught me how to shift my energy level and mood with a few simple practices. These new skills have transformed my ability to focus on what matters most, and cut my stress level in half! I’m more productive at work, so I can be more present at home.
– Jill Tyler, Business Development Strategist
“Chris helped me to see deeper into myself than I could see on my own. She helped me to “crack the shell” of my life, which has opened up new avenues for me. I knew I had to make some changes and she prepared me to face them head-on.”
–Diane, entrepreneur, Fulcrum Network
Why do I need this course? Can't I learn this on my own?
Of course you can. Yet we’re living in unprecedented times, requiring a new kind of leader. Leaders grow & make meaning for their people—together.
Beside, if you’re into the DIY approach, you may end up feeling more isolated, frustrated & stuck, not great in COVID era.
All of us can benefit from alternative perspectives since they sharpen our awareness, and open possibilities. Top athletes rely on their coaches to bring out their strengths, improve on their weaknesses, & push their best performance. The same is true in life and work.
Plus I bring 25 years of expertise to share with you—it’s a shortcut, catalyst & quickest way to get up to speed.
I’m super busy and overwhelmed these days. How many hours of my time will the course take?
Busy-ness is not only common today, but often paraded around as a badge of honor. It’s not. Being busy can deplete all your energies, those you really need to make a difference. Practically speaking you’ll spend 3 hours a week, either on a call with classmates or learning the material.
What results can I expect to see?
- Focused attention on what’s important.
- Clarity around where your energy’s actually going vs. where you think it’s going.
- Clarity around your Core Values & how you’re living them.
- Increased Empathy & the ability to communicate it like never before.
Truth be told, your own level of your engagement and commitment will drive how fast you see results.
I've never invested in myself life this before. How can I justify this expense?
It’s difficult at times to believe that we’re worth the investment of this kind of focus and attention, scary even.
Yet, in today’s COVID environment, it’s especially helpful to have the support of others to holding us to our own commitments. Going it alone simply prolongs the process of moving towards developing the skills and tapping into your aspirations for the future.
Plus, what’s the cost to you if you don’t uplevel your leadership today?
What if I'm still not sure this course is for me or I have another question?
Let’s have a 1:1 call & take care of that.
Any questions you have are welcome. If the course isn’t right for you, I’ll likely have other resources I can share. Schedule a time with me here so we can talk about your concerns in more detail & I can answer any questions you might have.
What if I realize this just isn't for me?
I know how valuable this offer is based on client feedback. I stand 100% behind this offer. There’s a full money back guarantee if you’re not loving this program after the first session!
Click Here to Join Now for $697 (USD)
Or 2 payments of $350 US.
You’re ready to jump in, to Be The Leader. Just click & choose the best payment plan for you.