I can’t believe it’s been a year . . .  


I’m excited to announce that my book The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence and Navigate the Future, is a winner in the 17th Annual  National Indie Excellence Awards (NIEA).


I’m honored – what a wonderful way to celebrate the upcoming one-year publication anniversary that happens this week on July 12th!


I’d love your help. Here are two ways to make it easy. 


First, I have 50+ hardcover copies of my book ready to ship, but I need help exploring just who to mail copies to. I’m guessing you might have some ideas.


Do you know leaders who want to reverse the busyness trend, avert burnout, and run a more effective business?  Or anyone who may be interested in bringing mindful, evidence-based leadership training to their teams? I’d love to get on their radar by shipping them a book.


Training & Development Leaders, OD and HR Professionals, Associations or any organization committed to high-quality productivity.  Post your suggestions in the comments or send me a message. Thank you!


The book and other resources are available at The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence, Navigate the Future | Q4 Consulting (q4-consulting.com)


This book has reached #1 Best Seller in 6 categories and has 62 Amazon reviews (90% 5-star rating). Here are a few of the most recent submissions…


“A powerful book for leaders looking for a less draining way to lead!  

Chris challenges leaders to reevaluate how they might be more effective. She guides readers to redefine our relationship with stress, and “wait for our souls to catch up with our bodies”, to empower us to bring our best selves to any leadership situation. If you are ready to shift from feeling overcommitted, overburdened to a place of embodied leadership and authentic expression, The Leadership Pause is for you. Chris applies biology and neuroscience, along with actionable practices, to truly embed these new ways of being into your life.” ~ Adrienne Palmer, Global Impact Advisory 




“This book is essentially a master class workbook on how to play the long game successfully.  

An excellent guided journey for a new kind of leadership in a new kind of world…as the author says…”future success will depend upon our collective ability to pause”. ~Laura Hall, Global Retail Consumer Goods Advisor 



“Presence and progress for leaders via pause 

In The Leadership Pause, Dr. Johnson asserts real power in leadership is brought about by presence. She illuminates the way for conscious leaders to develop core presence by embodying the pause to provide openings and opportunities for multiple perspectives. The book is clear and concise and provides opportunities in each chapter to practice and embody the principles”. ~Michelle Forbes, MD FAAP, CMO Catalyst Health Network 



“Part of needed learning and development is learning to pause 

 I could almost feel my heart rate calming down as I read Chris Johnson’s The Leadership Pause. Chris guides you on a calming journey to clarity. I appreciated that she painted a fair picture of the world we face today and acknowledged this is our new constant. No one will give you a “pause”, you have to take it. Her stories paint a beautiful picture of a world where we are attuned to nature and ourselves – all through the art of the pause. To keep our sights on the bigger picture of our lives, we need to pause, focus our attention, and listen. And that’s it – keeping your eye on the bigger picture. Too often we get caught up in the weeds. Chris provides the reasons why the pause is not just a nice to have in your life but a must have and the tools to make it possible”. ~ Jennifer Fondervay, Founder, Day1 Ready 



“Deep, Practical, and full of Wisdom!  

I highly recommend The Leadership Pause to anyone looking to shift the way they lead. The Leadership Pause gives me the necessary tools to navigate life’s challenges while also appreciating the rewarding moments more”. ~ Ron Rojas, CEO, Continental Sales 



Second, I’d love you to help me reach my goal of 100 Reviews by the end of July, 2023. 

It’s not too late, especially if it’s still on your to-do list – here’s a direct link:  Review Your Purchases (amazon.com). If you would like ideas or support, you can check out the Book Resources page here: The Leadership Pause Resource Page | Q4 Consulting (q4-consulting.com)



A BIG thank you to everyone who supported by book launch last year and has continued to support the important work of pausing in life and work


Chris Johnson, PsyD.

P.S. . Today and tomorrow, my book will be on sale for just $1.99 cents for Amazon’s Prime Day – today –  on July 11 and 12.