by Dr. Chris Johnson | Aug 1, 2019 | Learning, Practice, Purpose, Resilience
Ah, August! A prime month for stress-busting summer getaways. Yet, prepping for that relaxing vacation can turn up tension levels for the best of us: bags to be packed, last-minute bills to be paid, late-night laundry to fluff and fold, a schedule to keep. I know it...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Jul 1, 2019 | Attention, Consciousness, Learning, Practice
Recently, a good friend was in town for an extended visit in the old neighborhood. Exasperated she said, “Doesn’t it seem like nobody has time anymore to get together, to do anything?! Nobody. Has.Time.” “How did it get to be this way?” she mused. While I certainly...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Jun 1, 2019 | Learning, Practice, Purpose, Resilience
Rifling through old pictures at my mom’s house recently, I had to smile. Grainy images captured our vacation to Washington DC when I was 14, and the college visit out west that landed us in rural Idaho (I thought I wanted to be a forest ranger). Another photo showed...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Apr 3, 2019 | Attention, Learning, Practice |
“Be careful what you wish for,” is a phrase we often bandy about. You’ve likely said it yourself. And with good cause. There’s some awareness, on our everyday level, that we have a lot of power to influence what we wish for. Come to find out, we do. Seems that...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Mar 1, 2019 | Attention, Learning, Practice, Resilience |
With searing pain and teary eyes, my knotted calf screamed out in pain. At the aikido dojo, while practicing a move on my knees, I persisted in sitting back on my haunches and not being up on my toes; something all aikido students know as essential for successful...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Feb 6, 2019 | Practice, Purpose
Brilliance chose me this year. Let me explain. Each year it’s my practice to pick a word to guide me into the coming year. My Word of the Year for 2019 is Brilliance, with a capital B. As I contemplated and meditated on my word for 2019, I kept coming back...