Energy Is Your Currency

Energy Is Your Currency

What’s the cost of overriding your natural energetic flow?   Well, let me tell you!   We can all get caught up in our busy lives and lose connection with flow. But if we persist in ignoring, overriding, or tuning out because our attentions are elsewhere for...
I Cannot Continue

I Cannot Continue

How’s your energy?   When you boil it down, life’s all about energy, right?   Everything we do, all that we get caught up in day-to-day, from juggling distractions to completing projects to making tough decisions, is fueled by the quality of our energy....
Emotional Whiplash

Emotional Whiplash

Illness and uncertainty have reigned over the past few weeks. Hunkered down on my couch with the flu and hot tea, I had ample time to review 2022. My conclusion? Life’s really all about our emotional responses. Taking time to review the year – and my reactions –...