by Dr. Chris Johnson | Jul 12, 2013 | Attention, Learning, Mindfulness, Practice, Resilience |
Buzz: Mindfulness is going mainstream. Mindfulness meditation, it seems, helps just about everyone. From US News & World Report to the New York Times, the Huffington Post, and out to the Financial Times we’re learning about the impact of mindfulness...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Mar 16, 2013 | Attention, Learning, Mindfulness, Practice, Resilience
They were in line at the coffee shop just ahead of me. She, a petite, young blond with doe-blue eyes; he, an older, slight man, perhaps a Greek or Italian immigrant, with broken English, twinkling eyes and a smile the width of his face. While ordering him breakfast...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Feb 25, 2013 | Attention, Learning, Mindfulness, Practice, Resilience
Think you’re never going to live through the winter? Daydreaming of sandy, sun-lit beaches? Even with the first day of spring only a few short weeks away, you may find yourself eagerly itching for the vernal equinox with its more balanced, 12-hour sunlight to...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Feb 16, 2013 | Attention, Embodied Leadership, Learning, Mindfulness, Practice, Resilience
While on the slopes, one day socked in and having trouble seeing a few feet in front of me while another day relishing the fresh powder, I was, well, skiing. Thoughts of work, of bills to pay, of decisions to be made at the office or at home–were fleeting...
by Brian Fippinger | Jan 4, 2013 | Culture, Embodied Leadership, Resilience
4 January 2013 I don’t consider myself that old, but when I began working at the age of 18, I assumed that I would have one career. I thought there might even be a chance I only would have one employer. After all, I started working for the Bell System and that was...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Dec 31, 2012 | Embodied Leadership, Mindfulness, Resilience
Passion-Purpose- Potential is the newly named, official blog of Q4 Consulting. It continues to be focused on the integration of mind, body, and spirit at work, and, ultimately, in all aspects of life. However, it also reveals the shared vision and integration of Q4...