by Dr. Chris Johnson | Oct 8, 2018 | Attention, Mindfulness, Practice, Resilience
Spending more money than we earn isn’t sustainable over time, we all know that. Yet that’s exactly what many of us do day-in and day-out when it comes to our life energies. We’re on deadlines. We experience urgency. We get caught up in the whirl of life that’s all...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Jul 12, 2018 | Attention, Learning
“We live in the world our questions create.” ~~ David Cooperrider Remember Sam, the business owner who couldn’t understand why his people didn’t simply ‘just listen” to him? His first step to remedy that situation was to learn to pause. His second step involved...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Apr 5, 2018 | Attention, Practice
How do you spend your days? Ever feel like you’ve got to steel yourself for the day because there’s just so much to do? Ever say to yourself, “I just can’t find the time!” when you’d love to accept the offer to have dinner (attend a...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Mar 1, 2018 | Practice
While skiing on the slopes recently, I was relishing the fresh powder and the fact that I was, well, skiing. Thoughts of work, of bills to pay and decisions to be made back home were merely fleeting thoughts and far, far away if they were present at all. I was on...