by Brian Fippinger | May 4, 2016 | Attention, Consciousness, Learning, Resilience
Everybody loves a good challenge. The ALS website says that more than 17 million people participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge to support ALS and other causes. We all remember this one, how could we not. Pictures like this one showed up on every screen we owned...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Dec 14, 2015 | Attention, Passion, Purpose, Resilience |
I don’t know about you, but over these past weeks and months I’ve become increasingly perturbed by the violence all around us, in our backyards, our communities, across the globe. I find myself agitated and afraid at times; I struggle with the intensity of...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | May 8, 2014 | Embodied Leadership
I almost didn’t pause to notice. I decided to take the train downtown this week en route to an event. Thinking I had allowed enough time, I thought I’d simply add a bit more currency to an old ticket and be ready to go. I pushed Vend to add $10.00 to my...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Oct 15, 2013 | Attention, Consciousness, Learning, Passion
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about setting intentions. Setting an intention for the day is like being on a much anticipated trip and deciding to explore on a side trip one day. You tune into your internal GPS system, set your intention to orient to where you...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Mar 16, 2013 | Attention, Learning, Mindfulness, Practice, Resilience
They were in line at the coffee shop just ahead of me. She, a petite, young blond with doe-blue eyes; he, an older, slight man, perhaps a Greek or Italian immigrant, with broken English, twinkling eyes and a smile the width of his face. While ordering him breakfast...