Blinded by the Bustle

Blinded by the Bustle

Ever found yourself during the holiday bustle – online shopping, rummaging through recipes, navigating invites to all the events — having one of those glimpses of clarity that momentarily puts it all into perspective?   I recently had a moment.   The...
Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech

It was hot, humid, and yet incredibly dry that summer.    I was excited to celebrate our nation’s Bicentennial, a great celebration of democracy, with friends and fireworks that Saturday night.   The heat of the day accentuated the smell of brats on the...
State Your Intentions

State Your Intentions

Super busy these days? Who’s not?  Most of us operate today in a state of continuous partial attention. Constantly on, overstimulated by everything and nothing at once, our dominant mode of attention is split, ensuring we’re never present to what’s unfolding...