by Dr. Chris Johnson | Sep 4, 2015 | Attention, Consciousness, Learning, Practice
I’ve always loved a good plan. A part of me finds great satisfaction in checking off those square boxes on my Action Item List. I’m sure it’s the feel-good squirt of dopamine that makes my little pleasure center rock! Really though, a good plan helps us to...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Jan 15, 2015 | Attention, Consciousness, Learning, Practice
Rife with colds and flu, the cold winter months can present significant challenges. Perhaps like many of you, I became super ill over this past month and didn’t like it one bit! While I ‘hated’ most moments of it–the fatigue, the coughing, the...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | May 8, 2014 | Embodied Leadership
I almost didn’t pause to notice. I decided to take the train downtown this week en route to an event. Thinking I had allowed enough time, I thought I’d simply add a bit more currency to an old ticket and be ready to go. I pushed Vend to add $10.00 to my...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Mar 5, 2014 | Attention, Practice
Growing up my dad worked long hours. As construction company owner, he built homes for a living, which meant he could come and go as needed. I remember in the summertime he’d often come home for lunch. After we’d eaten, he’d sit in the low side...
by Dr. Chris Johnson | Dec 31, 2012 | Embodied Leadership, Mindfulness, Resilience
Passion-Purpose- Potential is the newly named, official blog of Q4 Consulting. It continues to be focused on the integration of mind, body, and spirit at work, and, ultimately, in all aspects of life. However, it also reveals the shared vision and integration of Q4...