State Your Intentions

State Your Intentions

Super busy these days? Who’s not?  Most of us operate today in a state of continuous partial attention. Constantly on, overstimulated by everything and nothing at once, our dominant mode of attention is split, ensuring we’re never present to what’s unfolding...
Colossal Waste of Time

Colossal Waste of Time

I’ve never been a napper until recently that is. Growing up on our family farm, where daylight hours were spent outside, naps weren’t appealing. Except to my dad, who’d tell us he was just going to, ‘shut my eyes for a bit,’ right after eating lunch. Naps used to seem...
Getting There From Here

Getting There From Here

“What got you here won’t get you there.” Marshall Goldsmith, organizational psychologist and executive coach, popularized this bit of wisdom in his 2007 book of the same name. The truths he points to? It’s all about interpersonal relationships. The very phrase...